International Mass
Weekly Saturday at 17:00
Celebrated in English by Pastoor J.J. Quadvlieg
Readings in multi-language
- 1st Reading is read either in German, French, Spanish or in a language chosen by our guest reader;
- 2nd Reading will be in English.
Children participation
- With the consent of parents, every child is encouraged to participate during mass.
- Every child will receive a bell and will be asked to ring the bells during the Eucharist prayer, with instructions given in the mass leaflet.
- Collections are also performed together with children who will be encouraged to assist just before mass starts.
- According to the season, there may be additional activities assigned for children participation at mass.
Tea, coffee and cookies
Everyone attending mass are welcome to spend a few minutes with the community over a cup of tea/coffee after mass each week. Tea and coffee will be served at the back of the church on your way out, after each international mass service.
The administration of Sacraments, our source of grace, is organized through Pastoor J.J. Quadvlieg:
- Baptism for Infants, Youth and Adults
- First Holy Communion
- Confirmation
- Reconciliation
- Anointing of the Sick
- Marriage
Soon we will include more information on the performance of these rites of Sacraments on our website. Until then, please direct all your requests/queries to the secretariat:
or (020) 662 3779.